Different views but shared values emerge, presenting opportunities for Muttama Creek Landcare Group.
Booklet Launch The Arts Centre Cootamundra on 18th August 2022, from 6-8pm.
Guest Speaker: Professor David Lindenmayer, Australian National University
What are the different perspectives on integrating farming and biodiversity? What can we do to create agricultural landscapes that sustain viable communities, profitable farming and rich biodiversity? These challenging and exciting questions were central to the 3-year research project ‘The Future of Farming and Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes: the Muttama Creek Catchment Area’.
The Muttama Creek Catchment has been on a long road of change but is facing increasing volatility and pressures in the future (e.g. climatic and demographic changes and market pressures). The project sought to understand different land-use priorities and explore the future of farming and biodiversity. The project booklet summarises key findings building on interviews with people in the region and two community workshops, it includes two guest chapters on natural assets on farms and Indigenous knowledge and land management.
Vivien Thomson, President of the Muttama Creek Landcare Group said “The communities in the Muttama Catchment are diverse and it was important to bring everyone together for the workshops, it highlighted a deep connection to the land and a concern about our farming landscape. We need to build on the project findings so we can create a positive change for our future and out communities”.
“This research project provided interesting insights about the different perspectives on biodiversity conservation in farming but we also found shared interests and community aspirations pointing to multiple ways for bringing about change.” explains Tamara Schaal from Leuphana University of Lueneburg, lead investigator in the project.
The event includes a presentation by, Professor David Lindenmayer, world-leading expert in forest ecology, resource management, conservation science, and biodiversity conservation, looking at key aspects of his team's new Natural Asset Farming framework as it relates to improved outcomes from Landcare activities on farms.
The booklet launch also includes an art exhibition by Julia Roche, an interpretive and abstract artist who lives near Wagga Wagga. Julia attended the workshops in 2021 and created artworks that captured the energy and emotions of the discussions.
Please register for the event via Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the-future-of-farming-and-biodiversity-in-the-muttama-creek-catchment-tickets-389729490397. For further information about the event contact Annie Jacobs at 0417 717075. For more information about the research project contact Tamara Schaal at schaal@leuphana.de.
The Future of Farming and Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes: the Muttama Creek Catchment Area is a joint research project of Leuphana University of Lueneburg (Germany) and The Australian National University (Fenner School of Environment and Society). The local partner in the project is the Muttama Creek Landcare Group